Ever wonder why some friendships just never move to the next level, regardless of how much ‚in love‘ the two partners are? Avoid it all you can, but you will still land up in the friendzone sometime or the other. We help you understand why she wants to be ‚just
Wunderknolle Knoblauch
Knoblauch – fast in jeder Kultur zu Hause hat er mittlerweile die Küchen der Welt erobert. Nicht zu unterschätzen ist er in seiner Heilwirkung. Er wirkt antibakteriell, Schütz die Leber und verringert die Alterung. Schon seit Jahrtausenden findet Knoblauch quer durch alle Kontinente seinen Einsatz in der Kulinarik. Nicht zu
Krebs: Heilende Tropenfrucht ist wirksamer als Chemotherapie
Krebsbehandlungen sind ein lukratives Geschäft. Doch eine Tropenfrucht könnte der Pharmaindustrie einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen. Die Stachelannone soll wirksamer als eine Chemotherapie und Arzneimittel gegen Krebs sein. Themen: Blutdruck, Chemotherapie, Gesundheit, Graviola, Infektionen, Krebs, NCI, Stachelannone, Studien Die Stachelonnone, auch Graviola oder Soursop genannt, könnte die Krebsheilung verbessern. (Foto: Flickr/Tatters:)) Die Stachelannone, auch Graviola oder Soursop genannt, wächst in
Need to Make a Big Decision? Then Close Your Eyes and Start Doing This
New research shows that 15 minutes of quiet time can help you come to the right conclusion PHOTO CREDIT: LELAND BOBBE/STONE/GETTY IMAGES The next time you’re on the fence about something important, just give yourself a few minutes and you’ll know exactly which direction to take. According to a new study
Foods to battle Man Flu
Say what they might, man flu is real. We might not be the weaker sex, but we certainly are the sicker sex when this is concerned. Men are more susceptible to cases of cold with the weather changes – and when the man flu strikes, these are the foods to
Narcissism has always been frowned upon and branded as immoral. Sure, a narcissist is haughty, arrogant, self-centered and shrewd; but in a way, today, where self-indulgence is a priority and the fear of missing out predominant, aren’t we all becoming a generation of narcissists? Ironically, all the aforementioned traits can
Emotional Branding and the Emotionally Intelligent Consumer
Emotional branding refers to the practice of building brands that appeal directly to a consumer’s ego, emotional state, needs and aspirations. The purpose of emotional branding is to create a bond between the consumer and the product by provoking the consumer’s emotion.Human needs such as love, power, emotional security
Gefühlvolle Werbung: Brands müssen Emotionen wecken
Große Gefühle oder Drama, Baby? Marken müssen Emotionen wecken Foto: rgbstock.com Wie schafften es Tempo und Coca Cola sich so sehr in unseren Köpfen fest zu setzen? Emotional Branding lauten die Stichwörter für den Erfolg.Emotionen sind weit mehr als “Drama, Drama, Drama”. Erfolgreiche Werbemarken leben davon, die Gefühle der Zielgruppen
Best iOS Apps – JAN 2014
The app store is home to some of the best apps in the market. At times, it gets a bit wonky selecting the best apps from the cosmos of apps available in the app store. To ease you out, here is the list of the best iOS apps to have
Nuts for a healthier you
You can carry the goodness of your health in your pockets now! Research across the globe shows that people who eat a handful of nuts every day are almost 20 per cent less likely to die earlier than those who stay away from nuts. Nuts also keep your heart healthy