Health & Wellness, Food & Beverage
Wunderknolle Knoblauch
Knoblauch – fast in jeder Kultur zu Hause hat er mittlerweile die Küchen der Welt erobert. Nicht zu unterschätzen ist er in seiner Heilwirkung. Er wirkt antibakteriell, Schütz die Leber und verringert die Alterung. Schon seit Jahrtausenden findet Knoblauch quer durch alle Kontinente seinen Einsatz in der Kulinarik. Nicht zu
Krebs: Heilende Tropenfrucht ist wirksamer als Chemotherapie
Krebsbehandlungen sind ein lukratives Geschäft. Doch eine Tropenfrucht könnte der Pharmaindustrie einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen. Die Stachelannone soll wirksamer als eine Chemotherapie und Arzneimittel gegen Krebs sein. Themen: Blutdruck, Chemotherapie, Gesundheit, Graviola, Infektionen, Krebs, NCI, Stachelannone, Studien Die Stachelonnone, auch Graviola oder Soursop genannt, könnte die Krebsheilung verbessern. (Foto: Flickr/Tatters:)) Die Stachelannone, auch Graviola oder Soursop genannt, wächst in
Foods to battle Man Flu
Say what they might, man flu is real. We might not be the weaker sex, but we certainly are the sicker sex when this is concerned. Men are more susceptible to cases of cold with the weather changes – and when the man flu strikes, these are the foods to
Nuts for a healthier you
You can carry the goodness of your health in your pockets now! Research across the globe shows that people who eat a handful of nuts every day are almost 20 per cent less likely to die earlier than those who stay away from nuts. Nuts also keep your heart healthy
4 Reasons Why Fat Makes You Fat
We all grew up with our mothers making us OD on desi ghee and dollops of butter in our food in order to make us healthy and strong. And to top it, there are numerous studies on how fats are good for us. Yes, the saturated cow-cheese-butter fat isn’t that
Best Online Shopping Sites For Men
Once upon a time, shoppingenthusiasts spent their weekend in an air conditioned mall just to tow many a bag from one store to another. Between the crowds and the inability to find what you’re looking for, the experience soon became a time-consuming nightmare. Who wants to do that, especially when you can
Must Have Apps For Coffee Aficionados!
Remember when you dragged your comatose head through 18 hours of nocturnal work with few dozens of Cappuccino shots? We have all been there, and happen to practise this tradition time and again.nAlso, there’s a high probability you must be sipping on that delicious and heavenly nectar as you read
Natural Ways To Get Sparkling White Teeth
If you thought paying big bucks to get your dull teeth professionally whitened at the dental clinic is the only way to a pearly set, think again. If you only tried them, there are many other natural remedies that can help you get a bright winning smile. 1. Homemade Baking Soda
9 Quick Hangover Cures that Actually Work
You might be the occasional drinker, an experimental one or a regular at the bar, getting a hangover is always a possibility. A hangover can be very nasty, upsetting your entire schedule for a day or even more, depending upon your propensity for tolerating alcohol. Rather than trying-out different hangover medicines,
How To Get Rid Of Body Odor Naturally
Are you the one suffering from bad body odor? Are you also worried about the fact that no matter what you do, it’s still is difficult to get rid of that pungent smell? If your answer is yes, then we are here to answer all your queries. Every individual has