Business & Success

Prepare for an Job Interview

A successful interview is crucial in order to snag the job. In this article we will give you tips on how to prepare for your interview all the way through follow-up.

Do your homework:
Research the company you are interviewing at and gather information. One common question asked at interview is „What do your know about our company?“ and „Why do you want to work here?“ Knowing as much as possible about the company can make you look serious and give you an advantage over the others.

Memorize your resume:
You do not want to get caught off guard when they ask you to elaborate on your resume. You should be prepared to provide detailed responses including specific examples of your past work experiences. The best way prepare is to write down a list of examples where you have successfully used the skills you’ve acquired. Write down a list of your skills and values so you’re prepared. You should also write down your strengths and weaknesses so your prepared when the interviewer asks. Emphasize what you can do to benefit the company and you should also compile a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer. You want to know if the company and position are a fit for you.

Practice makes perfect so prepare for the interview:
Practice your notes and study your resume so you’re prepared for the interview. This will also make you feel confident and prepared at the interview. It is important to be on time for the interview. You should try and get to the interview ten to fifteen minutes early. If you can try to get to the office If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going. Know the interviewer’s name and use it during the interview. If you are not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. Remember to bring an extra copy of your resume and a list of references.

Dress appropriately:
This one seems pretty basic but its easier said than done. Invest in a nice professional outfit before your interviews. Women should wear stockings and men dark socks. Women should avoid wearing too much makeup and jewelry. Don’t chew gum during the interview and make sure you have good hygiene. Keep your hair nicely groomed for the interview. You should also invest in a nice folder to keep your resumes in. This will help keep your resumes from getting destroyed.

Stay calm:
Interview can make us all very nervous so it is important that you stay as calm as possible. If you are not sure of a question ask the interviewer to please repeat the question or for clarification. Take your time to answer question do not rush and try to stay calm and collective.

When the interview comes to an end wait until the interviewer stands up before you do. Make eye contact shake their hand and thank them. Also, make sure to reiterate your interest in the job and company.

You should also follow up with a thank you letter or email after the interview.

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